Drinking Water

Drinking Water

Drinking water and personal hygiene are one of the core projects of the RCFI. It has developed 1000s of schemes at community level with the participation of deferent stakeholders. 180,000 people have a clean and safe drinking water supply. A study shows that our village level drinking water schemes supported in reducing migration, smooth running of Aganwadi and better health.
  • Group Drinking Water Schemes
  • Village Level Drinking Water Schemes

    Group Drinking Water Schemes

    Schemes Ensuring access to drinking water has been an important intervention of RCFI’s work. Along with, the organization provides infrastructure support for the development of village-level community owned drinking water supply systems. The communities are handed over the water supply system post construction to ensure community-led management. RCFI has deferent types of schemes of drinking water on the basis of need of the people and availability of the water. The organization identify the poor people through its strong community process. After selection of the family, the local volunteer orient them on the need of the hygiene and on the optimal use of the water. The project has been implemented in 21 states of India. So far 8114 projects have completed. It is estimated that 170,065 people of 34,013 households have benefited under these schemes. They all are selected from various communities of the local area. The organization has taken them on the basis of their existing drinking water source and their financial condition.

      Village Level Drinking Water Schemes

      RCFI has constructed four village level drinking water schemes benefiting 384 HHs. All of them constructed in very poor hamlets where people live in crowd and did not have access to clean water. A total of 16 schemes are running now. The total HHs coverage under this activity is 1536. It is estimated that 7680 people are getting benefit from the same. All of the community drinking water schemes are installed with the individual outlets.
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