Bygone years has been both exciting and challenging for our team. Deferent parts of our country experienced severe floods and landslides during the monsoon season. It affected the livelihood patterns of the people. It led to widespread damage to crops and livestock in many villages. Our team showed great resilience during flood time and helped large numbers of families in whatever way they could. RCFI’s work reached 24 states so far and we intend to move on. Our team continued efforts in the education sector during the year on improving learning outcomes in schools and institutions continue to benefit over 20,000 children in 373 villages. We worked in infrastructural support, amenities, and in higher education of poor students.
12106 students received the benefits during the year except regular monthly fellowship programme. RCFI has constructed 57 classrooms during the year to maintain a better teacher-student ratio in the education institutes.
Equitable access to clean drinking water, health, and sanitation services are essentials for a healthy life. People in rural India suffer disproportionately due to the lack of all these services. We have continued our engagements in community drinking water schemes. The intervention benefitted 25,240 people through 1103 schemes during the year. Currently (so far), 170,000 families are using our drinking water schemes regularly. The team also did a remarkable job in four villages by replacing their conventional contaminated drinking water supply through community-based drinking water schemes. Access to health was one of the major these which we worked during the year. 11 clinics are running a deferent part of the country benefitting 42000 households. And many very poor people received emergency support for surgeries, dialysis, equipment, and treatments.
In its consolidation year, the Hygiene and SaniThe Year That Was From the CEO Desk Rasheed Abdul CEO, RCFI 2019-20 15 tation program has been helpful in extending its reach and active engagement of all key stakeholders. The overall focus of the program was integrating work on safe drinking water, environmental cleanliness, Hygiene, and Sanitation.
RCFI has built 178 community toilets and 176 personal hygiene places during the year benefiting 178 villages and approximately 213,000 people. They can be used by many people at a time. Most of them are built beside any of the cultural centers, educational institutes like schools and orphanages to ensure the access of more people. The organization also built 13 model toilets during the year.
RCFI has constructed 177 community-level cultural centers in deferent parts of the country. These centers can be used for cultural initiatives, heritage building, education, awareness creation, and other social activities. More than 50000 families are benefited from this activity. 22600 people can use the center facilities at a time. The organization also supported some of the local community institutions by providing amenities.
Our adopted student status raised to 7283 orphans. The team conducted 28 career guidance events for adopted students and their mothers. These students a r e f r o m at-risk families in terms of socio-economic conditions. All of them received a student fellowship to meet their education, health, and living expenses. Livelihood enhancement was another major area that we worked on. We focused on poor women-headed households during the year. 157 such families received support for their livelihood. We have identified their potential and provided appropriate equipment so that they can earn from their skill. Along with this, we also engaged in the mitigation process of disasters and supported respective state and local bodies. We have distributed 12400 medical kits, 5000+ food kits, other relief activities benefitting 77919 families.
We are also actively involved in special care programmes, adoption of poor families, irrigation development, dream home projects, etc, which will be described in the report later. Our financial utilization during the year also went up, which indicates the faith shown by the funding partners during the year. We are also thankful to various consultants, professional agencies, academic institutions, and interns who contributed to our programmes during the year.